Expert Realtor Recruitment Services

We use proven B2B appointment setting techniques to recruit top-performing Realtors to work for your real estate company.

Our Experts Know How to Grow Real Estate Companies

The success of a real estate company is measured by the success of its people. The firms who hire the best Realtors reap the many benefits of doing so; they sell more, recruit more qualified agents, and have more time to focus on other business initiatives. Our B2B appointment setting services help you recruit top talent for your real estate company so you can grow your business.

How Our Process Works:

  • You sign up for Abstrakt Realtor recruitment services.

  • We spend one month in implementation. This means we learn your messaging, your brand, and build a list of top-performing Realtors who sell in your region.

  • We use B2B appointment setting activities and a proven process to build you a sustainable sales pipeline filled with qualified real estate agents. Activity in your program includes cold calling, emailing, lead nurturing, and marketing collateral.

  • You speak with more top-performing Realtors about job opportunities, thus helping you recruit more talent and grow your real estate business.

Why Use Abstrakt for Realtor Recruitment?

Think of all that you could achieve if recruitment efforts were taken off your plate. Not only would you save time, but you’d have peace of mind knowing that your workplace is top-of-mind for the most successful Realtors in the areas in which you sell.

Here are four key benefits to working with Abstrakt for Realtor recruitment:


Save Time

Recruitment efforts are a huge responsibility for any business, especially real estate companies. You need top talent on your team at all times in order to be successful, and continuous recruiting efforts are a huge part of this. Our services take recruiting efforts off of your plate so you can spend your time talking to more agents.


Sell More

Every real estate company wants top-producing agents on their team. Better agents means more sales and continued business growth. We help your real estate firm sell more by connecting you with top-performing agents.


Work With Experts

You may think that you can recruit Realtors for your business better than anyone else, but we’ve been doing this for over a decade (and been successful at it, too). You can trust our process and our people to get the job done right.


Improve Your Business

What does extra time and increased revenue mean for your business? A lot of good things—and one of them is more time for important business initiatives. With more money and more time, you can expend your efforts on things like improving your brand and training your current agents.

Ready to Grow Your Business?

Ready to Grow Your Business?

Ready to Grow Your Business?

Lead Generation Services For Real Estate Companies

While B2B appointment setting is our primary service offering and the offering that helps us recruit top-performing Realtors for your business, it’s not our only offering. A comprehensive lead generation solution includes more than just B2B appointment setting.

  • B2B Appointment Setting
  • Website Design and Development
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Collateral
  • Content Writing and SEO Services
  • Video Production Services

Recruit Talented Realtors and Grow Your Business

Are you ready to recruit top-performing Realtors and grow your business? We connect you with interested, sought after Realtors who are job hunting and looking for a company just like yours. But the benefits don’t stop there. We also share your same business goals and aim to help you grow your company while freeing up your time to focus on other business initiatives.

We work with one company per market so that you can stay ahead of the competition. Markets are going fast. What is your recruiting plan for this year?

The Abstrakt Lead Generation Advantage

What Makes us Different



Because of our explosive growth and career opportunities, we have been able to attract the very best in the B2B lead generation space. That means you will have an A-Player working with your business to help you grow.



We have been doing this for 10 years now. We are happy to have partners in every state in the U.S., and we are constantly developing innovative strategies within your industry.



When we work with you, we don’t work with anyone else in your market. We are in the trenches helping grow your market share and sales. How could we do the same thing for your competitors?



When you invest in us, we invest in you. You’ll have an activity or lead guarantee, and if we don’t hit it, we’ll work for free until we do.


All-In One Solution

We do everything you need to grow your business, all under one roof.

We’re Realtor Recruitment Lead Generation Experts

Interested in learning more? Check out these resources!

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